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Pick Up and Drop Off

Jackson Drop Off Procedure

This is a photo that is aerial view of Jackson Elementary School. This photo also shows the drop off procedures for students with arrows and labels.

Car Riders

1. Cars form two lines following the cones.

2. All cars should pull around to the open gym doors.

3. When cars are stopped, the front 2-3 nearest the gym doors should let their student(s) out. Parents should remain in their cars. The staff at the front will help them cross. Students only cross when signaled by staff.

4. All students will go through the cafeteria door. Those choosing to eat breakfast will proceed to the breakfast line.

5. Students who do not want to eat breakfast,will walk through the gym and exit the building doors and proceed to walk and talk.

6. Students line up by their teacher when the tardy bell rings.

Note: There is no car drop off in front of the building prior to 7:50.

Bus Riders

1. Students enter through the front door.

2. Students go to the cafeteria door if they want breakfast.

3. Students exit the north door if they do not want to eat breakfast.

4. Students join the walk and talk.

5. Students line up by their teacher when the tardy bell rings.

Walking Path

1. Students walk the path.

2. Students go to the cafeteria door if they want breakfast.

3. If they do not want to eat breakfast, students join the walk and talk.

4. Students line up by their teacher when the tardy bell rings

Jackson Pick Up Procedure

This is an aerial photo of Jackson Elementary. There are also arrows and labels that are showing the pick up procedures.

Pick Up Line

To help expedite this process, please do not park on Wisconsin

1. When entering the car rider line, form 4 lines.

2. Students wait until all cars are stopped. Parents stay in or by their car.

3. The staff will signal when the students can leave the waiting area to find their ride.

4. Students who do not have a ride return to the waiting area.

5. A staff member will signal when cars can move.

6. Students are NOT ALLOWED to go past the two trees unless they see their car. We will not allow students to walk past the dumpster to get into a car for safety purposes.

Please do not park on Wisconsin.

Bus Riders

1. Students will walk out the front door.

2. Students walk to the buses.

Walking Path

1. Students exit the east door.

2. Teachers walk with the students to the fence to walk home or meet their ride.

3. Siblings should wait at end of walking path to meet up with each other.